Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
8th World Congress on Public Health and Nutrition, will be organized around the theme ““Evaluations of long-term impacts of Health and Fitness—
Public Health 2022 is comprised of 27 tracks and 78 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Public Health 2022.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
The study is used to figure out what was causing people's health problems and diseases. It is the research into the distribution and determinants of health-related states and occurrences in defined populations.
The study of the occurrence and pattern of health occurrences in a community is known as epidemiology.
- Tools used in Epidemiology
- Proportions
- Study designs
- Probabilities and risk ratios
- Statistical Power
- Track 1-1Statistical Power
- Track 1-2Study designs
Mental health is a condition of well-being in which an usually sees his or her own potential, is capable of dealing with stressful situations, works productively, and gives to his or her community.
- Anxiety disorders
- Panic disorder
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder and phobias.
- Depression
- Bipolar Disorder
- Mood Disorders
- Eating Disorders
- Personality Disorders
- Post-traumatic stress Disorder
- Psychotic Disorders
- Schizophrenia
- Cognitive health
- Emotional health
- Behavioural health
Mental health is a condition of well-being in which an usually sees his or her own potential, is capable of dealing with stressful situations, works productively, and gives to his or her community.
- Anxiety disorders
- Panic disorder
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder and phobias.
- Depression
- Bipolar Disorder
- Mood Disorders
- Eating Disorders
- Personality Disorders
- Post-traumatic stress Disorder
- Psychotic Disorders
- Schizophrenia
- Cognitive health
- Emotional health
- Behavioural health
- Track 2-1Anxiety disorders
- Track 2-2Depression
- Track 2-3Personality Disorders
- Track 2-4Emotional health
- Track 2-5Mood Disorders
Obesity is a complicated disease characterized by an excess of body fat. Obesity is more than a cosmetic concern. It's a medical condition that raises your risk of developing other diseases and health issues like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers.
- Type 2 diabetes
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Certain cancers (breast, colon, and endometrial)
- Stroke
- Gallbladder disease
- Fatty liver disease
- High cholesterol
- Sleep apnea and other breathing problems
- Arthritis
- Track 3-1Heart disease
- Track 3-2Sleep apnea and other breathing problems
- Track 3-3Infertility
Adolescence is the stage of life between childhood and adulthood, from ages 10 to 19. It may be a one of a kind arrange of human improvement and an important time for laying the establishments of good health. Adolescents experience rapid physical, cognitive and psychosocial development.
Main health issues
- Injuries. Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death and disability among adolescents
- Violence
- Mental health
- Alcohol and drug use
- Tobacco use
- Other infectious diseases
- Early pregnancy and childbirth.
- Track 4-1Violence
- Track 4-2Early pregnancy and childbirth
Nutrition science also encompasses the study of food-related behaviours and social variables.
It is a science that aids in improving the country's health by altering the food nutrition system. It is concerned with the population's dietary requirements. The practise of avoiding disease, extending life, and improving health via the use of therapeutic nutrition is known as public health nutrition.
Fast globalization, urbanization, and populace development have caused a significant move in dietary designs, ways of life, and designs of malady. As a result, rates of overweight, weight and non-communicable infections (NCDs) have risen, whereas beneath nourishment and micro-nutrient insufficiencies have continued.
- Track 5-1Non-communicable infections
- Track 5-2Social variables
Infectious diseases, also known as infectious diseases or transmissible diseases, are illnesses caused by the infection, presence, and proliferation of pathogenic (disease-causing) biologic agents in a single human or animal host.
Learn, practice, and teach healthy habits.
- Handle & Prepare Food Safely. Food can carry germs
- Wash Hands Often
- Clean & Disinfect Commonly Used Surfaces
- Cough and Sneeze into a Tissue or Your Sleeve
- Don't Share Personal Items
- Get Vaccinated
- Avoid Touching Wild Animals
- Stay Home When Sick
- Track 6-1Infectious diseases
- Track 6-2Handle & Prepare Food Safely
A type of disease that influences the heart or blood vessels. The hazard of certain cardiovascular illnesses may be expanded by smoking, tall blood weight, high cholesterol, unhealthy diet, need of exercise, and obesity.
Types of Cardiovascular Diseases
- Coronary heart disease
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Peripheral arterial disease Rheumatic heart disease
- Congenital heart disease
- Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
- Track 7-1cardiovascular illnesses
- Track 7-2Congenital heart disease
Oral health is multifaceted and consolidates the capacity to talk, smile, scent, taste, touch, chew, swallow, and pass on a run of feelings through facial expressions with certainty and without torment, trouble, and disease of the craniofacial complex,” peruses the definition.
Symptoms of dental and oral problems
- Ulcers, sores, or tender areas in the mouth that won’t heal after a week or two
- Bleeding or swollen gums after brushing or flossing
- Chronic bad breath
- Sudden sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures or beverages
- Pain or toothache
- Loose teeth
- Receding gums
- Pain with chewing or biting
- Swelling of the face and cheek
- Clicking of the jaw
- Cracked or broken teeth
- Frequent dry mouth
- Cavities
- Gum disease (gingivitis)
- Periodontitis
- Cracked or broken teeth
- Sensitive teeth
- Oral cancer
- Track 8-1craniofacial complex
- Track 8-2Chronic bad breath
Climate alter, among other characteristic and man-made wellbeing stressors, includes a wide run in impacts on human wellbeing and malady. Existing wellbeing dangers will ended up more intense, whereas modern wellbeing dangers will emerge.
Impacts of Climate Change on Health:
Extreme heat
Natural disasters and variable rainfall patterns
Patterns of infection
Measuring the health effects
The Signs of Climate Change
More Droughts.
Wilder Weather.
Changing Rain and Snow Patterns.
Less Snowpack.
Melting Glaciers.
Thawing Permafrost.
- Track 9-1Patterns of infection
- Track 9-2Melting Glaciers
Natural wellbeing is the science and practise of avoiding human damage and illness whereas too advancing well-being by recognizing and assessing natural sources and unsafe specialists; and restricting exposures to dangerous physical, chemical, and organic operators in discuss, water, soil, nourishment, and other natural media or settings that may hurt human wellbeing.
Categories of environmental health hazards
- Physical hazards.
- Biological hazards.
- Chemical hazards.
- Cultural/practice-related hazards.
- Social hazards.
- Track 10-1Physical hazards
- Track 10-2Biological hazards
- Track 10-3Chemical hazards
- Track 10-4Cultural/practice-related hazards
- Track 10-5Social hazards
The individual circumstances of a person have an impact on their health and well-being, which are known as social determinants of wellbeing. Political, economic, and social variables, as well as the effortlessness with which somebody may get healthcare, instruction, a secure put to live, and wholesome nourishment, are all considered.
Healthy People 2020 organize the social determinants of health around five key domains:
- Economic Stability
- Education
- Health and Health Care
- Neighbourhood and Built Environment
- Social and Community Context.
- Track 11-1Economic Stability
- Track 11-2Education
- Track 11-3Health and Health Care
- Track 11-4Neighborhood and Built Environment
- Track 11-5Social and Community Context
Primary care (PC) and Public Health (PH) have comparable objectives when it comes to ailment avoidance and community wellbeing advancement. PC suppliers utilized to be fundamentally concerned with the health of people, but they are presently progressively concerned with the wellbeing of the communities they serve.
The five main principles of primary health care are:
- Social equity
- Nation-wide coverage/wider coverage
- Self- reliance
- Intersectional coordination
- People’s involvement (in planning and implementation of programs)
- Track 12-1Social equity
- Track 12-2Nation-wide coverage/wider coverage
- Track 12-3Self- reliance
- Track 12-4Intersectional coordination
HEALTH: “Health may be a state of total physical, mental, and social well-being and not only the nonappearance of illness or infirmity.” “Health may be a state of total physical, mental, and social well-being and not only the nonappearance of illness or infirmity.”
COMMUNITY NUTRITION: Community sustenance envelops person and interpersonal-level intercessions that make changes in knowledge, states of mind, conduct and wellbeing results among people, families or little, focused on bunches inside a community setting.
Factors effecting Community Nutrition:
- Geographical and Physical Conditions:
- Agricultural Practices
- Demographical Framework
- Cultural Practices
- Dietary Practices
- Track 13-1Geographical and Physical Conditions
- Track 13-2Agricultural Practices
- Track 13-3Cultural Practices
- Track 13-4Dietary Practices
Resistance refers to your body's capacity to perceive pathogens and avoid affliction. The resistant system's objective is to help the body perceive and crush unsafe pathogens some time recently they may cause malady or harm. Natural and versatile resistance are the two sorts of resistance.
Intrinsic resistance may be a first-line defence from pathogens that attempt to enter our bodies, accomplished through defensive obstructions. These boundaries incorporate:
- Skin that keeps out the majority of pathogens
- Mucus that traps pathogens
- Stomach acid that destroys pathogens
- Enzymes in our sweat and tears that help create anti-bacterial compounds
- Immune system cells that attack all foreign cells entering the body
- Track 14-1Intrinsic resistance
- Track 14-2Pathogens
For Native and Torres Strait Islander individuals, great health is more than the nonattendance of illness or sickness; it may be an all-encompassing concept that incorporates physical, social, enthusiastic, social and otherworldly prosperity, for both the person and the community.
Contributing Factors to Indigenous Health
- Nutrition
- Physical activity
- Bodyweight
- Immunisation
- Breastfeeding
- Tobacco use
- Alcohol use
- Illicit drug use
- Track 15-1Nutrition
- Track 15-2Immunisation
- Track 15-3Illicit drug use
People with inabilities regularly are at more prominent chance for health issues that can be anticipated. As a result of having a particular sort of inability, such as a spinal line damage, spina bifida, or different sclerosis, other physical or mental health conditions can happen.
Causes: Injuries due to street activity mishaps, word related damage, savagery, clashes, falls and landmines have long been recognized as donors to incapacity. Mental health wellbeing issues- mental wellbeing hindrance and mental ailment are the causes of mental inability.
The causes of inability are heredity, birth surrenders, need of care amid pregnancy and child birth, insalubrious lodging, characteristic calamities, absence of education and the coming about need of data available on health administrations, destitute.
- Illnesses like cancer, heart attack or diabetes cause the majority of long-term disabilities.
- Most are not work-related, and therefore not covered by workers' compensation.
- Lifestyle choices and personal behaviour that lead to obesity are becoming major contributing factors.
- Speak directly with the patient, not to any companion that the patient may have.
- Avoid making assumptions about what assistance the patient needs. ...
- Ask how you can help them and respect their answers.
- Presume that patients with disabilities are competent to handle their own medical care.
- Mobility and Physical Impairment
- Spinal Cord Disability
- Head Injuries - Brain Disability
- Vision Disability
- Hearing Disability
- Cognitive or Learning Disabilities
- Psychological Disorders
- Invisible Disabilities
- Track 16-1Mobility and Physical Impairment
- Track 16-2Cognitive or Learning Disabilities
- Track 16-3Invisible Disabilities
Tropical medicine is the department of medication is devoted to treatment, care and remedy of tropical illnesses, which are commonly happening in creating nations due to need of cleanliness, information etc. ... Cleanliness alludes to conditions and hones that offer assistance to preserve wellbeing and anticipate the spread of diseases.
Ignored tropical infections (NTDs) are generally preventable, indeed without antibodies. Clean water, clean nourishment dealing with, and great cleanliness can anticipate infections such as guinea-worm disease, schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminthiasis, and trachoma.
The mist common tropical diseases are:
- Chagas Disease.
- Cysticercosis.
- Dengue Fever.
- Dracunculiasis (Guinea Worm Disease)
- Echinococcosis.
- Fascioliasis.
- Human African Trypanosomiasis (African Sleeping Sickness)
- Leishmaniasis
- Track 17-1Ignored tropical infections
- Track 17-2Cleanliness
Nourishment security, as characterized by the United Nations' Committee on World Food Security, implies that all individuals, at all times, have physical, social, and financial get to adequate, secure, and nutritious nourishment that meets their nourishment inclinations and dietary needs for an dynamic and solid life.
According to the World Food Summit sorted out in Rome in 1996, food security exists when all individuals, at all times, have physical and financial get to to adequate, secure, nutritious nourishment to meet their dietary needs and nourishment inclinations for an dynamic life.
Getting included in instruction is another foundation of tending to nourishment frailty. Giving instructive openings – centered on appropriate nourishment and more viable cultivating hones – can help in supporting wage era and sound ways of life. These can include to nourishment security in an enormous way.
International food security is basic to guaranteeing the health and efficiency of the world’s people, to keeping up the financial reasonability and political steadiness of communities around the world, and to satisfying a essential human rights guideline that the ensure of adequate sums of nutritious nourishment can empower people to realize a standard of living that will maximize their health.
The component is food securities are as follows:
- Availability of food
- Access to food
- Utilisation of food
- Stability
- Malnutrition.
- Track 18-1World Food Security
- Track 18-2Malnutrition
- Track 18-3Availability of food
Metabolism is the chemical handle your body employments to convert the nourishment you eat into the fuel that keeps you lively. Nutrition (nourishment) comprises of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. These substances are broken down by proteins in your digestive system, and after that carried to the cells where they can be utilized as fuel.
Types of Nutrition:
There are seven fundamental classes of supplements that the body needs. These are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water. It is vital that everybody devours these seven nutrients on a everyday premise to assist them construct their bodies and keep up their health.
- Glycolysis
- Citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation
- Pentose phosphate pathway
- Gluconeogenesis
- Glycogen synthesis and degradation
This vitality in turn is required by the body to synthesize particles like modern proteins and nucleic acids (DNA, RNA). Nutrients in relation to metabolism include components like bodily prerequisites for different substances, person capacities within the body, the sum required, and the level underneath which destitute wellbeing comes about.
- Track 19-1Citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation
- Track 19-2Glycolysis
- Track 19-3Pentose phosphate pathway
- Track 19-4Gluconeogenesis
- Track 19-5Glycogen synthesis and degradation
- Track 19-6Proteins and nucleic acids
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), counting heart infection, stroke, cancer, diabetes and incessant lung malady, are collectively mindful for nearly 70% of all deaths around the world.
The four main types of non-communicable diseases include cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes.
Chronic respiratory disease
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Asthma.
- Occupational lung diseases, such as black lung.
- Pulmonary hypertension.
- Cystic fibrosis
- Diabetes.
- Fibromyalgia.
- Heart Disease.
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are as a rule caused by hereditary or way of life variables. Four types of NCDs – cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes and incessant respiratory infections – account for nearly two-thirds of all passing all inclusive, with 80 per cent of these happening in moo- and middle-income nations.
Non-communicable diseases share predisposing risk factors related to an unhealthy lifestyle:
- Cigarette smoking,
- Hypertension,
- Hyperglycaemia
- Dyslipidaemia
- Obesity
- Physical inactivity,
- Poor nutrition.
- Track 20-1cardiovascular disease
- Track 20-2cancer
- Track 20-3chronic respiratory disease
- Track 20-4Diabetes
A zoonosis is an irresistible illness that has bounced from a non-human creature to humans. Zoonotic pathogens may be bacterial, viral or parasitic, or may include offbeat specialists and can spread to people through direct contact or through nourishment, water or the environment.
Highest risk of serious illness from Zoonosis disease is to
- Children younger than 5.
- Adults older than 65.
- People with weakened immune systems.
- Pregnant women.
Examples of Zoonosis Disease
- Animal flu.
- Anthrax.
- Bird flu.
- Bovine tuberculosis.
- Brucellosis.
- Campylobacter infection.
- Cat scratch fever.
- Cryptosporidiosis.
Protective Measures
• Keep hands clean. Washing your hands right after being around animals, indeed in the event that you didn’t touch any animals, is one of the foremost important steps you'll be able take to avoid getting debilitated and spreading germs to others.
- Know the simple things you can do to stay safe around your pets.
- Prevent bites from mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas.
- Learn more about ways to handle food safely—whether it’s for yourself or your family, your pet, or other animals.
- Be aware of zoonotic diseases both at home, away from home
- Avoid bites and scratches from animals.
- Direct zoonoses
- Cyclozoonoses
- Metazoonoses
- Saprozoonoses
- Anthropozoonoses
- Zooanthroponoses
- Amphixenoses
- Track 21-1Animal flu
- Track 21-2Bird flu
Health Insurance - Health insurance covers taken a toll of a guarantor individual's restorative and surgical costs. Subject to the terms of protections scope, either the backup plan pays costs out-of-pocket and is in this way repaid or the insurance company repays costs straightforwardly.
There are numerous categories of health policies, counting global health arrangement, open wellbeing arrangement, mental wellbeing approach, wellbeing care administrations arrangement, protections arrangement, individual healthcare approach, pharmaceutical approach, and policies related to open wellbeing such as inoculation approach, tobacco control arrangement or breastfeeding advancement arrangement. They may cover subjects of financing and conveyance of healthcare, get to care, quality of care, and wellbeing value.
- Concentrate on the learner and not the teacher.
- Clearly communicate a specific instructional content.
- Be stated in terms of learning outcomes and not in the process of learning.
- Describe one types of learning outcome per objective that is specific in describing learners' performance.
- Track 22-1Health insurance
- Track 22-2Individual healthcare
- Track 22-3Nutritional Education
Nursing education centres on teaching health care individuals approximately successful ways to convey the wellbeing care to patients. It teaches medical attendants around how to manage distinctive drugs, to look at understanding and to provide best administrations to patients. The aim of nursing instruction may be a advancement of the nursing profession.
A nurse's primary objective – in any case of work environment – is to create beyond any doubt all of her patients get quality treatment in a opportune way. Medical caretakers offer assistance expedites persistent hold up times by taking care of schedule tasks.
The level of care a nurse gives depends on what kind of arrangement he or she has had. Nursing for the most part falls into three categories: non-degree, degree and progressed degree.
- Track 23-1Medical caretakers
- Track 23-2Nursing profession
Chronic diseases are characterized broadly as conditions that final 1 year or more and require continuous restorative consideration or restrain exercises of everyday living or both. Chronic diseases such as heart illness, cancer, and diabetes are the driving causes of passing and inability in the Joined together States.
Health promotion is the method of empowering individuals to extend control over their wellbeing and its determinants, and in this manner make strides their wellbeing.
Chronic Diseases and Conditions
- ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)
- Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Cancer
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Diabetes
- Eating Disorders
- Heart Disease
- Obesity
- Oral Health
- Osteoporosis
- Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) Syndrome
- Tobacco Use and Related Conditions
Aside from the fetched in terms of human welfare, treatment of chronic disease accounts for an evaluated three quarters of U.S. wellbeing care investing (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] 2012). Chronic diseases straightforwardly influence by and large wellbeing care budgets, worker efficiency, and economies.
- Track 24-1Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Track 24-2Tobacco Use and Related Conditions
Occupational health nursing could be a strength nursing hone that gives for and conveys wellbeing and security programs and administrations to laborers, specialist populaces, and community bunches. The hone centers on advancement, support and rebuilding of wellbeing, anticipation of sickness and harm, and protection from workâ€related and natural risks. Occupational health nurses (OHNs) point to combine information of wellbeing and commerce to adjust secure and energizing work situations and a "healthy" foot line.
Occupational health could be a pro department of medicine focusing on the health of staff within the working environment. Goodness experts point to discover out what affect work has on staff health and make beyond any doubt that staff is fit to embrace the part they are utilized to do both physically and candidly.
It centers on the advancement and reclamation of health, the avoidance of sickness and damage and the security from work-related and natural risks. OHNs have a sound information and understanding of the chance to which each specialist and homogenous specialist populaces are uncovered.
- Track 25-1Occupational health nurses
- Track 25-2Physical Health
Public health nursing could be a specialized field of nursing that centres on the health needs of communities and their hone connected to advancing and ensuring the health of the populace. The nursing care hone for Public Health Nurses centres on the community as the client.
The main goal of public health nurses is to help prevent disease and reduce health risks at the population level through evidenced-based care and education. In general, the responsibilities of public health nurses include: Recording and analyzing aggregate medical data.
The primary focus of open wellbeing nursing is to advance health and avoid illness for whole populace groups. While both disciplines serve the same socioeconomics, their purposes are unmistakable. Open wellbeing medical attendants give healthcare to individuals and communities who are incapable to look for help. Community health nursing includes backing and approach advancement to dispense with healthcare disparities.
- Track 26-1Public health nursing
- Track 26-2Health risks
Genetic epidemiology is the study of the role of genetic factors in determining health and disease in families and in populations, and the interplay of such genetic factors with environmental factors. Genetic epidemiology seeks to derive a statistical and quantitative analysis of how genetics work in large groups.
There are three types of genetic disorders:
Single-gene disorders, where a mutation affects one gene. Sickle cell anaemia is an example. -
Chromosomal disorders, where chromosomes (or parts of chromosomes) are missing or changed. -
Complex disorders, where there are mutations in two or more genes.
Also genetic epidemiology can be used to assess risk factors for germ and somatic cell mutations. A notable example is the numerous epidemiologic studies of risk factors for trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), the most common form of aneuploidy present at birth (Khoury et al., 1993).
Genetic testing is a type of medical test that identifies changes in genes, chromosomes, or proteins. The results of a genetic test can confirm or rule out a suspected genetic condition or help determine a person's chance of developing or passing on a genetic disorder.
- Track 27-1Chromosomal disorders
- Track 27-2Single-gene disorders